The music of tubas will once again celebrate the season, as the eighth annual New Britain TubaChristmas is to be performed. Once again, New Britain will join other cities across the country and world for the annual event.
“The Tubas return to Trinity On Main for the annual free concert,” Trinity-On-Main says.

The New Britain TubaChristmas is a part of the 48th anniversary of the international TubaChristmas.
The Harvey Phillips Foundation, Inc., of which TubaChristmas is a program, says,
The first TUBACHRISTMAS was conducted by Paul Lavalle in New York City’s Rockefeller Plaza Ice Rink on Sunday, December 22, 1974. Traditional Christmas music performed at the first TUBACHRISTMAS was arranged by American composer Alec Wilder who ironically died on Christmas Eve, 1980. Wilder composed many solo and ensemble compositions for tuba and euphonium.
The New Britain TubaChristmas will be held today, Saturday, December 10, 2021. The performance is to be at 2:00pm at New Britain’s Trinity-On-Main arts venue.
Trinity-On-Main is located at 69 Main Street.