Common Council Adds Two Temporary Members For Board Hearings In March
Staff Reports
NEW BRITAIN – The Common Council has approved two special appointments to the Board of Assessment Appeal to hear property owner appeals of new assessments that took effect last October following the required revaluation of real estate in the city.
The additions of Nate Simpson (D) and Peter Steele (R) were made to the three-member board to handle the anticipated high volume of hearings that will be scheduled for taxpayers in March.
Friday, February 17, is the last day for residents to appeal the new assessments as determined by Municipal Valuation Services (MINIVAL), the Fairfield-based firm contracted by the city to complete the mass appraisal of 17,000 parcels, including 9,070 single family homes.
Appeals Board members are elected every two years and include Chair Sheryl Mala, Candyce Scott and Maria Turkzanik. Appeals on assessments on real and personal property will be decided after the hearings by the Board at which time the net grand list for taxation purposes will be determined for the fiscal year beginning July 1. According to press reports Mayor Erin Stewart said New Britain’s taxable property jumped 40.5% over the last reassessment before appeals are heard. Officials and analysts attribute double digit jumps in housing values to pandemic related causes.
With assessment hikes averaging more than 50% on single family homes and condos and as much as 80% on three-family houses, according to the revaluation results, the budget process for the next fiscal year will focus on lowering the current 49.5 mill rate as much as possible to offset higher home values.