Memorial Service Planned for Rep. David Pudlin, Widely Honored Legislative and Labor Leader
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Memorial Service Planned for Rep. David Pudlin, Widely Honored Legislative and Labor Leader

A memorial service will be held in honor of former New Britain State Representative David Pudlin (D-24), who served as the Majority Leader of the State House of Representatives and Vice President for Organizing of the New England Health Care Employees Union, District 1199. Pudlin passed away in 2021 after having served a life of service, fighting for and winning on labor rights and progressive policies.

Rep. David Pudlin (D-24), with his son, Sam Pudlin. Frank Gerratana photo.

The Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) published a letter from the Pudlin family, saying,

From the Pudlin Family,
We invite you to a memorial service at 2pm, March 12.
David Pudlin died in March of 2021, at a time when Covid was still at its height, with very few of the population at that point eligible for vaccination. As such, no funeral was held, and in the nearly two years he’s been gone, it has been a struggle to find a time to truly honor him the way he deserves. This March, however, on the 12th, that’s going to change. That is why we are inviting you to this memorial service, so we can gather and celebrate, mourn, tease, or say whatever else we need to in order to honor the legacy of a man that had such a profound effect on his friends, family, New Britain, and Connecticut.
We hope to see you there if David had an effect on your life too, and hope that as we honor him together we all find ways to learn something new to remember him by.

Sunday, March 12th, 2PM
At the New Britain Quartette Club
225 Wooster Street, New Britain, CT 06052

Rep. Pudlin was first elected as the State Representative for the Twenty-Fourth Assembly District in 1988. He represented the district until 2003.

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From 1999 until 2003, Rep. Pudlin was the Majority Leader of the State House of Representatives, one of the recognized top-six key legislative leaders in the state. Prior to that, he was the head of the House Democrats’ political organization, widely seen as building it into a electoral powerhouse, capable of increasing Democratic majorities, even in tough elections for Democrats.

Former State House Majority Leader and 1199 Vice-President, Rep. David Pudlin (D-24), Frank Gerratana photo.

He was viewed, in New Britain and statewide, as a top progressive leader, keeping to the values he championed at the District 1199 labor union, where he was a key leader.