Community Investment Fund 2030 OKs Support For Six Classrooms
Staff Reports
HARTFORD – The State Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF) board approved $1.7 million in state funding to enable the New Britain area YMCA to renovate unused racquetball courts into space for six additional classrooms at the Y’s New Britain facility that will enroll 72 additional children.
Advocating for CIF approval, New Britain’s five-member legislative delegation commended new funding to expand child care services at the New-Britain-Berlin YMCA. The New Britain Y provides an array of child and family supports including infant and toddler care and before and after school programs.

“Expanding the YMCA’s child care services, especially infant toddler classrooms, would make a tremendous difference in the lives of families across New Britain. This is a smart investment by the state that will make an improvement in our community and will allow the YMCA to continue serving the needs of the community and give young people a safe, nurturing environment in their most formative years,” said State Senator Rick Lopes (D-6) who with State Representatives Robert Sanchez (D-25), Manny Sanchez (D-24), Peter Tercyak (D-26) and Gary Turco (D-27) cited the need for increasing child care slots in New Britain.
“Expanding the YMCA’s child care services, especially infant toddler classrooms, would make a tremendous difference in the lives of families across New Britain. This is a smart investment by the state that will make an improvement in our community…….”
State Senator Rick Lopes (D-6)
Rep. Robert Sanchez said. the expansion “will allow more parents to pursue and maintain gainful employment.” Added Rep. Manny Sanchez: “Investments in child care are always needed and welcomed – this transformation of otherwise dormant space is a much more beneficial use, and I am sure every last additional child care slot will be a blessing for families in need.”
“This is a great and needed investment in the expansion of child care services,” said Rep. Turco. “Investing in child care is essential because the returns on investment are immeasurable for the children it serves, the workforce it sustains, and the local economy it supports.”
“This funding will help our Y provide high quality affordable infant, toddler and preschool child care for seventy-two families who live and work in New Britain. Our child care programs enable parents and guardians to go to work knowing their children are well cared for in a safe, stimulating environment. We thank our legislators for their support helping the Y make a difference in the lives of local children and their families.” said John Benigni, CEO, Meriden-New-Britain-Berlin YMCA.
Over the last two years in Connecticut advocates have pushed for new support of child care services like the CIF 2030 investment announced for the YMCA this week. New Britain is considered a community with “child care deserts” where a high percentage of working and middle income families do not have access to quality and affordable services for young children. The shortage is severe especially for child care for children under three years old.
The Community Investment Fund 2030 is a five-year grant program, enacted in the 2021 legislative session, dedicated to fostering economic development and improving quality of life in communities that have been historically underserved.