Staff Reports
NEW BRITAIN – The Democratic Town Committee (NBDTC) is seeking candidates for all municipal offices for the November 7th election. This year New Britain voters will elect candidates for Mayor, Treasurer, Common Council (15), Board of Education (3), Board of Assessment Appeal (2) and Constable (4).
“New Britain Democrats believe that local government plays a vital role in shaping our community, and we are excited to welcome new candidates who share our commitment to building a stronger, more inclusive New Britain,” said Chris Anderson, NBDTC Chair. “We encourage all interested individuals to apply and look forward to meeting with candidates to discuss their vision for the future of our city.”
The Democratic Town Committee will endorse a slate of candidates in July “following a thorough and rigorous candidate selection process. This endorsement will provide candidates with access to the party’s resources and support, including campaign materials and guidance from experienced campaign strategists.”
“As a party committed to building a brighter future for New Britain,” a May 1, statement said. “the New Britain Democratic Town Committee is seeking passionate and dedicated individuals who are interested in serving their community through public office. Candidates should be committed to promoting
progressive values and advancing policies that will benefit all residents of the city.”

“We are looking for candidates who are passionate about New Britain and committed to working collaboratively to address the challenges facing our city,” said Rosemary Klotz, Chair of the Nominating Committee. “We believe that by working together, we can create positive change and improve the lives of all residents of New Britain.”
Registered Democrats interested in running for local office should email [email protected] to learn more about the available positions and the endorsement process.
Charter changes adopted in a 2022 referendum will alter the 2023 municipal ballot. The 15-member Common Council currently includes five at large members and 10 ward councilors (two from each ward). This year at large representation has been eliminated in favor of three council members elected from each of the five wards via the minority representation law. The election of Tax Collector will no longer occur with the position becoming an appointed one in the next term.
Party endorsements for both Democrats and Republicans will be held between July 18-25 to endorse slates of candidates. Primaries if necessary will be held September 12th.
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