Staff Reports
HARTFORD – State leaders, honorees and a large contingent of attendees from New Britain’s Polish community crowded into the state Capitol’s North lobby Wednesday, May 3, to mark the anniversary of Polish Day At The Capitol.
The event, catered with coffee and dozens of paczki (Polish donuts) from New Britain’s Roly Poly Bakery, marked the 232nd anniversary of the Polish Constitution and the 32nd annual commemoration held at the Connecticut State Capitol.

State Representative Peter Tercyak (D-26) hosted the event and was joined by Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz, State Senator Rick Lopes (D-6), Democratic Registrar of Voters Lucian Pawlak, State Comptroller Sean Scanlon and members of the Polish Legislative Caucus. Speakers included Vice Consul Mateusz Debowicz of the Republic of Poland based in New York.
The Polish Day Planning Committee acknowledged participating organizations including the Polonia-Paderewski Choir, Polish American Congress, the S.A. Blejwas Endowed Chair and Polish American Studies Program at CCSU. Attendees included members of the General J. Haller Post.
“Every year, I’m reminded of the rich history of Polish Americans in Connecticut and am inspired by the stories I hear,” Rep. Tercyak said. “This event is about celebrating peace, justice, and the fight for freedom. That embodies our Polish heritage, and it is also representative of what it means to live in this country and the great state of Connecticut.”
This year’s ceremony featured a history of Polish Day at the Capitol delivered by Deborah Anne Krawiec, the daughter of the late State Rep. Stanley Krawiec of New Britain who founded Polish Day.
Honored at the event were four Polish Americans:
- Darek Barcikowski, the Honorary Consul of Poland in New Britain and the publisher of New Britain-based White Eagle Media.
- Sara Zak, a retired Navy Commander who is a member of the Suffield Polish Heritage Society
- Anna Kobylarz, who has crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border 10 times in one year, participating in humanitarian aid missions all over war-torn Ukraine
- Mariola Karwacka, owner of Billy’s Bakery and an organizer of the Polish Festival in Ansonia.
“It is an honor to celebrate and reflect on the invaluable contributions Polish-Americans have made to our society. Both of my father’s parents emigrated from Poland to the United States. They instilled in us a hard work ethic and shared with us the customs, traditions and rich history of Poland,” said Lt. Governor Bysiewicz. “Today, we honor the 232nd anniversary of the Polish constitution, and we celebrate our history, remembering all of the many special customs and traditions we hold so dear.”

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