Three City Council Committees are set to hold meetings on the city budget proposed by Mayor Erin Stewart (R).

Stewart has proposed a $265,849,055 city budget that would increase property taxes by 12.58% for the fiscal year that begins July 1st, with a 5.92% spending increase over current year expenditures. The proposal would provide for a 1.4% increase in city funding operating funding for New Britain’s schools.
The Council Committee meetings are to be on three successive evenings. The Council Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing is to meet on May 16, 2023 at 6:30pm, the Committee on Administration, Finance and Law is to meet on May 17th at 6:30pm, and the Council’s Consolidated Committee is to be at 6:30pm on May 18th.
The three committees are each assigned to different areas of the city government and budget. City ordinances provide that,
When the common council receives the mayor’s proposed budget pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of section 10-3 of the City Charter, the common council shall refer, to each council subject matter committee, the portions of said budget pertaining to the boards, commissions, departments, agencies and authorities of the city within the cognizance of such committee. Such committee shall review its assigned portion of the mayor’s proposed budget and shall report it back to the full council, together with its proposed amendments, within forty-five (45) days of the date that the mayor presents the mayor’s proposed budget to the common council.
The budget under consideration is for the fiscal year that starts on July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2024. The budget sets the rate of taxes paid by taxpayers in July of this year and January of 2024.
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