The city has announced that the City Council will hold a hearing on a proposal for the city to purchase 238 North Street, on the corner of North and Stanley Streets.

The city says that the purpose of the purchase is for, “expansion of Willow Street Park or other municipal purpose.”
The hearing is to be August 8, 2023 at 6:55pm. It is to be held in the Council Chambers, which is on the second floor of City Hall, at 27 West Main Street.
The city says that,
At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written communications may be received. Copies of said items are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the Town and City Clerk. Individuals seeking to join the public hearing remotely may join the queue beginning at 6:50 pm by calling 1 (339) 209-6176. Members of the public may attend meetings in person or view a live broadcast of the meeting online via the livestream link:
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