by Aram Ayalon
As the new 2-year elected administration in the city of New Britain is beginning, it’s important to examine the mayor’s growing power and the lack of balance between the executive and legislative branches of the city of New Britain. As has evolved in the past 20 year the mayor’s power has become stronger while the city council power has been diminished.
Currently, the mayor of New Britain appoints all department heads, city manager, city officers, employees, and all members of city commissions and boards. The only exception is hiring employees, experts or professional consultants of the Common Council. Currently, the city council has a very small budget, and only two employees – an administrative supervisor, and administrator of committees. In addition, the mayor has the power of veto of any resolutions the common council passes which may be overridden only with a 2/3 majority.
One role of this common council session might be to reopen the city charter to enable for the common council to appoint at least some members of the city commissions, and for the common council to hire consultants to provide an independent examination of city operations.
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