Get involved. Stay informed. Attend City Council Meetings and Board of Finance and Taxation Meetingsā¦OUR VOICES MUST BE HEARD!
This updated record is being shared regarding the status of our neighborhood’s storm-sewage systems and State-City responses. Our concerns need to be given the highest priority. Our quality of life is suffering and our property values have declined by 15%. When the flooding water recedes, we are forgotten by our city officials. Although our critical neighborhood is not in a flood zoneā¦. the flooding continues!

To: City Officials Date: February 14, 2024
From: Frank and Sharon Chase
Dear Elected and Appointed City Officials:
We received some good news recently from Director Moriarty: Construction for the Overlook-McKinley Project will begin this summer. It looks like the engineering plans and the funding are in place. We will monitor this construction as it progresses. We are pleased with this news for our neighbors in the Overlook-McKinley-Selander area. Now we can focus on the Allen St. Project Phase 2: Oak St. to Beacon St.
From 2014 to 2022, city officials have requested funding assistance from the state for the Allen St. Project Phase 2. In 2022 and 2023, city officials have applied for $13.9M in grants for the Allen St. Project Phase 2. We are grateful that our city officials have made specific funding requests over the past 10 years for storm-sewer upgrades. Unfortunately, to date, these efforts have been unsuccessful for the Allen St. Project Phase 2. Obviously, we remain concerned as our neighborhood continues to flood.
The 2024 Legislative Priorities have been submitted by the Mayor. I am told that the Allen St. Project Phase 2, is now at the top of the Legislative Priorities list ahead of 2 other projects. Regardless of the project order per year, the record will show that the Allen St. Project Phase 2 was kicked down the road over many years.
Here us an update regarding previous Legislative Priorities submitted by the Mayorā¦ 2015-2022:
- 2015 Project #1 Allen St. Phases 1 and 2. Phase 1 was completed in 2015.
- From 2016 to to 2022 the projects are in no particular order per the Mayor.
- 2016 Project #8 Allen St. Phase 2.
- 2017 5 projects noted ahead of Allen St. Phase 2. Allen St. is mentioned in the closing paragraphs. As the Mayor notes: Phase 2 of the sewer upgrades and roadway reconstruction of Allen St. The sewer upgrades on Allen St. are the most pressing.
- 2018 5 projects noted ahead of Allen St. Phase 2. As the Mayor notes: Phase 2 of the sewer upgrades and roadway reconstruction of Allen St. The sewer upgrades on Allen St. are the most pressing as storm drains from McClintock to Stanley St. have been backing up on a regular basis.
- 2019 13 projects noted ahead of Allen St. Phase 2. Allen St. is mentioned in the closing paragraphs. As the Mayor notes: Phase 2 of the sewer upgrades and roadway reconstruction of Allen St. The sewer upgrades on Allen St. are the most pressing.
- 2020 9 projects noted ahead of Allen St. Phase 2. Allen St. is mentioned in the closing paragraphs. As the Mayor notes: Phase 2 of the sewer upgrades and roadway reconstruction of Allen St. The sewer upgrades on Allen St. are the most pressing.
- 2021 Project #6 Overlook-McKinley. As we now know, construction to start summer of 2024.
- 2021 Project #7 Allen St. Phase 2.
- 2022 Project #3 Overlook-McKinley. As we now know, construction to start summer of 2024.
- 2022 Project #4 Allen St. Phase 2. Allen St. Phase 2 is critical to resolving chronic issues including flooding due to storm-sewer failures , sanitary sewer back-ups and breaks due to insufficient capacity and the general disrepair of the road surface and sidewalks.
- 2023 No list available. I included page 2 from the Weston and Sampson Engineering PROTECT-NARRATIVE dated 8/23.
- 2024 Project #1 Allen St. Phase 2. With no guarantee that the project will be adequately funded.

State Officials report that they have delivered a huge surplus of funds to New Britain which were used for other projects. The state allocates funds to municipalities to do the projects that the mayor and council prioritize. Our required storm-sewer upgrades have NOT been prioritized by the mayor and councilā¦ therefore, our “critical neighborhood” continues to flood! Also, State Officials report that there are no scheduled distributions from the FEMA-DOT grant programs at this time.
The city received $56M from the ARPA Fund. The mayor and the previous council allocated these funds for many worthy, important projects. I am concerned about the $13M allocated to the NB FLUSH Program for sewer-stormwater improvements. By the way, $2M from the $56M was allocated for Overlook-McKinley stormwater improvements. The Allen St. Project did not receive any money from the ARPA funds. I included the ARPA allocation list.

The NB FLUSH Program plans which I have seen do not include the Allen St. Project and the Overlook-McKinley Project. The Allen St. Project, like the Overlook-McKinley Project, are stand alone projects requiring construction specialists to upgrade these specific storm-sewer systems. Once again, the theme remains the sameā¦
The Allen St. Project continues to be neglected and mismanaged. This is SHAMEFUL!
These questions remain unanswered: Where is the MONEY?
- In 2023, per the City Council’s unanimous vote with Mayor Stewart’s signature, $4M was transferred from the General Fund to the PW Account for the Allen St. Project. What is the status of this money?
- In 2023 per former Alderperson Luz Luna, Director Moriarty identified an additional $3M in the PW Account that can be used for the Allen St. Project upgrades. What is the status of this money?
- In 2023, Mayor Stewart transferred $13M from the ARPA Funds to the NB FLUSH account to upgrade storm-sewer systems. What is the status of this money?
We pay our taxes for the benefit of ALL residents. When we ask for our fair share to upgrade our vital Allen St. infrastructure systems, we are ignored by our city officials. We are demanding our fair share of State-City money which must be allocated for the long overdue Allen St. upgrades. And/or surprise us with a successful bonding effort as you did with the new $20M Public Works Operations Center. Meanwhile, the flooding continues!!
Obviously, our skepticism is justified based on Mayor Stewart’s failed efforts thus far. Bottomlineā¦ The funding continues to be the obstacle in our path. Where is the MONEY? The reality is simple: The city has funding and funding sources to complete the Allen St. Project. Unfortunately, city officials have failed to allocate existing money, have failed to obtain new funding and have prioritized available funds for other HIGHER profile projects. After 30+ years, the shell game continues while our quality of life suffers and our properties are at risk.

No more delay, deny, deflect, distract, distort tactics! As Majority Leader McNamara noted, the Allen St. Project Phase 2 must be placed at the top of the city’s Capital Improvement list. What is your plan with credible, expedited, specific time lines for the Allen St. Phase 2 Project? Our city officials are forcing us to live with an imminent and an undeniable threat each day!
The Mayor reports, “Climate change is here, Be prepared!” My neighbors and I are prepared, the “City is not”! Our present mayor has known about the Allen St. infrastructure problem for 10+ years. This is SCANDALOUS!
Thank you.
Frank and Sharon Chase
24 Roxbury Road
New Britain, CT 06053