New Britain business owner and former Republican Council member James Sanders, Jr. has asked the City Council to formally investigate the actions of Mayor Erin Stewart (R) and a number of key city hall officials in a matter involving a dispute over property development in the city’s East Side neighborhood.
Sanders says,
I am asking the Common Council based on section K of the city charter to investigate, Mayor Stewart, Sergio Lupo, Justin Dorsey, Jack Benjamin, and Jeffrey Cormier, based on the following summary and information provided in this packet and in conjunction with the provisions of Section K of the New Britain City Charter. To be clear, we are not asking you to alter or intervene in any of the decisions made on February 22, 2024. We are asking this body to form the appropriate committee and investigate the actions taken by the above-mentioned persons from February 22, 2023 through February 22, 2024
Sanders says that the Council should exercise its powers to investigate under the City Charter. The charter says that one of the powers of the Council is,
by a two thirds vote of the entire membership to investigate any officer, department or agency of the City. The Common Council shall have access to all data kept by the office or department or agency and shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses and production of books, papers and any other data, electronic or otherwise, at any meeting of the Common Council or any committee thereof, and for that purpose may issue subpoenas which shall be signed by the President Pro Tempore of the Common Council. The investigation may be conducted by a committee of the Common Council’s members appointed for this purpose, provided that not more than half of the members of such committee shall be members of the same political party. Any person who refuses to obey the subpoena of the Common Council or authorized committee shall be fined not more than the amount permitted by the General Statutes or imprisoned not more than the time permitted by the General Statutes, or both. Said fine and penalties shall be set by Ordinance.
Sanders, of FAFO Properties and Chamberlain Square LLC, has been in a very public dispute with the administration of Mayor Stewart, with Sanders saying that the city has been blocking his plans to utilize 600 East Street as an Extraspace Storage facility for the building that has long been used and allowed as a warehouse and a former storage facility for New Britain-based moving companies since the 1950s.
In September, the Council tabled, thus defeating, a proposal from the Stewart administration to institute a two year moratorium that appeared to begin applying specifically to self-storage facilities and was later expanded to include other land uses.
Earlier this month, Sanders filed a Freedom of Information request from Stewart and a number of key city hall officials, apparently related to a running dispute over property development in the city’s East Side neighborhood.
In making his call for a formal investigation on Wednesday, he also presented the Council with a 68 page compendium, with a chronologies of events and documents in the long-running dispute. In the presentation, he recounts efforts since 2017 to develop East Street properties, taking advantage of the city’s transit-oriented development zone that was created around the East Main Street Fastrak Station.
Sanders said that,
In August 2022 we finally had a reputable buyer come to the table who was affiliated with Extra Space Storage. We went under contract and initiated the due diligence. We gave them an extended amount of time to do their research and market analysis. Upon completion of that, they were convinced that this was a viable project and expressed a willingness to develop the lot across the street known as 86 Woodland St into a TOD compliant project.
Fast forward to February 22, 2023. Our developer was finally able to sit down with our Economic Development department. It was expressed to us by the investor that the meeting went well, and that Jack Benjamin thought this would be a viable project from what he knew of the property. The developer also expressed concerns that Jack Benjamin stated it would be up to the mayor, whether to allow this to move forward, our developer felt from his experience over the years that the economic development process seemed more politicized than he’s ever seen.
After the February 22 meeting a total of five weeks had gone by with no response from our Economic Development department, Jack Benjamin. Our developer reached out to us for an update. I immediately reached out to Jack Benjamin with no response, Justin Dorsey, with no response, and finally, Brock Weber, who initiated some conversations. At the end of the day, I was told the mayor does not want this project to move forward. Jack Benjamin responded back to our investor with a one sentence response, stating that the city was not interested in this development at this time. Our developer was shocked and surprised as much as we were. Especially after the time, effort, and money that they spent preparing their studies and renderings.
Sanders described a process with initial support for his development plans being permitted from Sergio Lupo, the city Director of Health/Director of Licenses, Permits, and Inspections, only to later receive a rejection from Lupo after a week response time.
When Sanders formally applied for the approval of the development to the city Zoning Board of Appeals, he said, this proposal was rejected last month.
Sanders said that City Planner Jeffrey Cormier had given the Board false information about his property and then, “read an unprecedented letter from the mayor, which instilled further misinformation to the board members which led to confusion and the ultimate denial of our application application.” He added that,
We believe that the city of New Britain has acted arbitrarily and capriciously throughout this process. They have manipulated the city ordinances, based on feeling, and not fact. In an obvious abuse of power, the mayor interjected herself into the entire process, manipulating and intimidating Dept heads to subvert the permitting and zoning process.
“This project would’ve brought a $4 million renovation,” Sanders said, “with a 700% increase in tax revenue in to 600 East St in conjunction with a TOD compliant project located in our lot at 86 Woodland St.”
Sanders concluded that,
For all the reason stated above and the information provided within this packet, I believe there is grounds for an investigation into this matter. This investigation is important for the future development and economic growth within our city. We must make it known that arbitrary and capricious decisions are unacceptable in leadership positions and that if you try and do so it will be met with strong opposition and consequences.
“I know as well as anybody else that’s standing up and doing the right thing is difficult,” Sanders said, calling on the Council to empanel a committee to investigate.