Former City Council member Dave DeFronzo (D-AL) has announced that he has enough qualifying contributions to participate in the state’s Citizen Election Program, sometimes called the “clean election program,” in his run for the 26th District State Representative seat.
“This program epitomizes a clean election process,” DeFronzo explained. “It bans dark money and emphasizes grassroots funding through small local contributions.” DeFronzo said he encourages other candidates to run following this system.
The Program, an historic reform created under leadership from the younger DeFronzo’s father, former State Senator Donald DeFronzo (D-6), in 2005 and 2006, is widely seen as largely removing the influence of big money special interests from state legislative and other elections.
“Qualifying for the CEP means that DeFronzo’s campaign will now be publicly financed, adhering to strict funding rules that exclude state contractors and limit lobbyist contributions,” DeFronzo’s campaign said.
Council Majority Leader, Ald. John McNamara (D-4) said that, “Dave will be responsive to the needs of Ward 4 and the 26th District at the state level,” noting that the number of local contributors shows wide support for DeFronzo.
DeFronzo’s campaign said that campaign treasurer Elaine Perez, “announced that the DeFronzo campaign has collected over $5,800, with approximately 175 small donations from New Britain surpassing the requirement of 150 donations within the city.”
DeFronzo must now submit an application to the State Elections Enforcement Commission, who will determine if his qualifying contributions are of sufficient number and amount to qualify for the program.
Democrat DeFronzo, announced his candidacy for the seat recently. Another Democrat, former Ald. Aram Ayalon (D-3) has also announced that he is seeking the Democratic nomination for the seat. If both candidates qualify for a primary, Democratic-registered voters will decide the Democratic nomination for the seat in an August 13th primary election. No Republican has filed a candidacy with the state yet.
Editor’s note: Cover photo by respected local photographer, Dr. Frank Gerratana.