Council Refers Report on Unimplemented $4 Million For Flood Control to Committee for Review
The City Council has voted to examine in committee a report from New Britain city Finance Director Jonathan Perugini that appeared to imply that he did not implement a $4 million budget transfer approved by the City Council for Allen Street flood control project, saying that the resolution to approve it had, “deficiencies.”
Council Majority Leader, Ald. John McNamara (D-4) called Perugini’s report “insufficient,” and said it needs further examination.
The Council unanimously approved $4 million last September for improvements to address flooding experienced by residents of the Allen Street, Roxbury Road and CCSU area. The resolution was approved by Mayor Erin Stewart (R).
Since then, members of the public and Council members have been asking about the status of the funds. Many members of the public understood that the funds had been transferred and were available for the project.