Council Member Scott Discusses Empowerment at School House Apartments
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Council Member Scott Discusses Empowerment at School House Apartments

Third Ward Council member, Ald. Candyce Scott (D-3) discussed local government and empowerment at the School House Apartments on South Main Street at a community meeting last Friday.

“It was amazing,” said Ald. Scott. “We had spaghetti, salad, dessert, and I spoke about local politics and shared information and resources about local elected positions.

Melvadene Rogers, who hosted the event, said “It was wonderful to have Candyce come and speak to the residents. The speech she gave was very good and accepted by the residents. We would love to have her back again. The people got a lot of information about politics and diversity, which was helpful information for our building.”

Ald. Scott offered thanks to Rogers, “for the work she is doing to help bring the community together. The food was also amazing! Thank you for the wonderful day I had with you!”

“I encouraged the residents to attend city council meetings,” said Scott. “I also talked about diversity. It was important to me to talk about diversity and encourage loving all human beings. I had the residents do a short diversity activity and talked about some of the serious concerns we still have to work on in our community to fight racism and encourage love to all human beings.”

Scott told residents that, “I encourage everyone to expose your children and yourselves to different cultures, religions, and races. The more exposure and conversations we have the more we can learn, understand, respect, and love one another.”

Scott expressed appreciation to School House Apartments for being able to visit. Scott is also visiting the residents of Columbus Commons tonight.

Scott says that she, “wants to let the public know she is willing to visit your events or community rooms if you should want a visit at your location please feel free to contact her if you need anything.”