The City Council’s Majority Leader, Ald John McNamara (D-4) has announced that he is planning a meeting for the constituents he represents in New Britain’s Ward 4.
The meeting is planned for Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 12:00pm at Roma Sports Bar & Grill dining room at 382 Allen Street.
McNamara says that, “An update will be provided on a $13.9 million capital improvement project to replace deteriorated stormwater and sewer infrastructure on Allen Street.”
“The outmoded system has led to frequent flash flooding in the adjacent neighborhoods causing storm and sewer back ups and property damage,” said McNamara.
The project is to be funded by a proposal for $9.7 million in state bond funding, along with $4.2 million from the city, McNamara said.
McNamara said that the agenda for the meeting also includes the status of the project to address flooding in the Overlook Avenue-McKinley Street area.
“Other possible responses by the city to prevent losses from extreme weather will be discussed,” McNamara added, as well as information on early voting and the Absentee Voting referendum in the upcoming November 5th elections.
“The lunchtime constituent meeting will include pizza and light beverages,” McNamara added.
New Britain’s 4th Ward includes the Saint Francis, Holmes School and Pulaski School voting districts.