At least 4900 people have voted already in New Britain under Connecticut’s new early voting process, with one more day for people to cast votes early.
The general election occurs on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, but voters are permitted under state law to cast their votes before that in early voting days that, this year, started on October 21st and end on November 3rd.
By Friday evening, according to Democratic Registrar of Voters and former Mayor Lucian Pawlak (D), at least 4,900 had taken advantage of their right to vote early.
Early voting is at the Senior Center at 55 Pearl Street on November 3rd from 10:00am to 6:00pm.

For those who have not voted by then, voting on November 5th is at the city’s various voting district polling places from 6:00am to 8:00pm. City Council Majority Leader, Ald. John McNamara has published a list the New Britain polling places for November 5th on his website, as well as a sample ballot.
In addition to the candidate elections, the League of Women Voters of the New Britain Area is bringing people’s attention to the ballot question on mail-in voting, saying that it, “recommends a YES vote on this question. As a Connecticut voter, the choice of whether you vote in person or absentee should he YOURS and YOURS ALONE, without having to justify it to anyone else.”