Election Day 2024 has arrived, with elections today that include choices for President and Vice President, US Senator, US Representative, State Senator, State Representative and Registrars of Voters.
For voters who have not yet taken advantage of early voting opportunities or voted by absentee ballot, polls are open on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
Where voters vote depends on which voting district they live in.

New Britain has seventeen polling locations throughout the city.

Voting District 13, which normally votes at the Holmes School is voting at the Saint Francis Church Hall this year.

For those who are eligible to vote, but have not registered yet, Election Day voter registration is available on Election Day, November 5, 2024. According the Secretary of the State’s office,
Same Day Registration (SDR) is not available at your polling place but is available at a designated SDR location in each town, beginning at 6 am and ending at 8 pm on Election Day. SDR is available during the hours of Early Voting as well. You will register and vote at the designated SDR location in your town.
Election day voter registration in New Britain is at City Hall, 27 West Main St., 1st Floor, Room 108.