Neighborhood Activists Repeat Lamont Drainage Improvement Funding Request
January 7, 2025
Dear Matt Brokman, Governor Lamont’s Chief of Staff
This is our 2nd effort to contact the governor. He did not respond to the letter (noted below) which we sent him 12-2-24 via FedEx. We are all very busy with our personal and professional lives, however, there is no excuse for at the very least a courteous acknowledgement and a follow-up from you.
All of the important details are noted for you in the letter to the governor regarding our circumstances. As you know, we have sent you over the past year numerous updates via e-mail detailing our efforts with no follow-up responses from you.
Timely + Responsive + Transparent + Factual Communication = Credible and Accountable Elected/Appointed Government Officials. This formula will hopefully guide you to honor our respectful, solemn requests for assistance. We have engaged our legislative delegation to lobby for this state bonding initiative. We need the governor’s help now!
Please follow-up with us as soon as possible.
Frank and Sharon Chase
[email protected]