City of New Britain and the Allen St. Drainage Improvements and Reconstruction Phase 2 Project #4166. Our 28th Presentation.
All of our recent storm-sewer flooding updates and narratives with photos and documents are published on-line in the New Britain Progressive’s Flooding Series.
To: Mayor Stewart, Chief of Staff Dorsey and Our Alderpersons:
As Mayor Stewart noted back in 2013, “The Allen St. Project is our most pressing need. The Allen St. Project is critical to resolving chronic issues including flooding due to storm-sewer failures, sanitary back-ups and breaks due to insufficient capacity and the system’s age”. Stewart also identified storm-sanitary cross connections on Allen St. further contributing to this public health crisis.
The Weston-Sampson Engineers’ review from August 2023 details that the Allen St. Project must be a high priority because the infrastructure is at crisis levels.
From the Pawlak years through the Stewart years (30+ years) the Allen St. Problem has been ignored and neglected while the Allen St. Project was kicked down the road. Over these 30+ years, millions of dollars have flowed to New Britain from our state and federal partners which was used for many other higher profile projects.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent to repair the related storm-sewer failures, to update aging engineering plans and to pay out damage claims to our storm-sewer flooding victims. All of this is fiscally irresponsible behavior. Sadly, the flooding and the sanitary back-ups continue. Our lives are seriously impacted by this callous disregard for our needs.
Our neighbors are exhausted with the process and they are disappointed by all of the broken promises from our local elected and appointed officials. We have the documentation showing where our questions and pleas for help have gone unanswered. All of this is beyond our control.
PLAN-FUND-CONSTRUCT: Moriarty will have a bid ready, shovel worthy, shovel ready plan for our local and state officials by 4-1-25. We need the funding asap!
We ask our Alderpersons, Mayor and her Chief of Staff:
1) What exactly are you doing to help fully fund the Allen St Project? Yes, we are grateful for the city’s required 30% commitment to the State Bonding Initiative. However, as your commitment letter notes, the city’s 30% stake in the project, approximately $4M will be pulled if the State Bonding effort fails.
2) The 2025 State Legislative Session started today. Is our State Bonding Initiative on the legislative calendar yet? If not, why not? What exactly are you doing to help move the State Bonding Initiative along to a successful completion?
3) What are your proposed next funding steps if the State Bonding Initiative fails? We wonder where will the City’s $4M stake go?
4) We strongly urge our alderpersons to prepare in advance a suitable City Emergency Bonding Authorization in the event the State Bonding Initiative fails. Use the $4M set aside for the State Bonding Initiative for the upfront costs for the City Emergency Bonding Initiative.
We’ve been very patient, 30 years worth. Redeem yourselves. It’s now time to fund and construct. As Erin noted during her terms in office, “The Allen St. Project is our most pressing need. So far, she has not completed the job!
Thank you.
F&S Chase