Frank Gerratana reported the key facts of this article, in addition to photo journalism of this event.
New Britain thanked its veterans and commemorated those who fought and gave their lives in World War I on Veterans Day 2018.

Members of the Marine Corps League marched in to open the ceremonies with the Posting of the Colors.

Dennis Taricani of the New Britain Veterans Council led the ceremonies, which included the singing of the National Anthem by the NBHS Madrigals.
Rev. Dominic S. Smyth of the First Lutheran Church of the Reformation delivered the convocation for the ceremonies. Bells of Peace were rung twenty-one times by the New Britain Fire Department.

Representatives of the different member organizations of the New Britain Veterans Council read the names of the New Britain residents who gave their lives in service during World War I, with a bell ringing in honor of each.

Reading the names of the honorees were Sal Sena from the Marine Corps League, Dean Buden from the Disabled American Veterans, Wesley Szacillo from the General Haller Post, Mark Morin from the Franco-American War Veterans, William Flynn from the Northwestern Veterans, TGM Memorial Post and Douglas DelBiondo from the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Mayor Erin Stewart and John Buckley of the New Britain Veterans Commission addressed those in attendance, and Stewart introduced local dignitaries.

General Ralph Hedenberg of the Connecticut National Guard was the guest speaker at the ceremonies. Gen. Hedenberg is a New Britain native.

Darek Barcikowski, who is the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland, spoke in recognition of the one hundredth anniversary of Poland’s independence. Polish veterans sang the Polish National Anthem.

Darek Barcikowski, and Sen. Terry Gerratana. Frank Gerratana photo.
Representatives of local veterans organizations laid wreaths at the World War I monument, joined by members of the NBHS JROTC.

Taps was played by members of the NHBS Band.
With bagpipes playing, members the Marine Corps League marched out to Retire the Colors and close the ceremonies.