City Council Democrats have proposed a resolution to press the Greater New Britain Chamber of Commerce to fire Timothy Stewart as its President, because of the misogynistic statement about women members of Congress made the former Republican mayor.
Former Republican Mayor Timothy Stewart has been embroiled in a scandal since he made a misogynistic comment about women members of Congress during the national State of the Union address.
In the proposed resolution, the Council Democrats say that, “in light of the most recent events pertaining to the Greater New Britain Chamber of Commerce President Timothy Stewart and his misogynistic views expressed on social media, the Common Council will not stand idly by.”
The resolution that the nine Council Democrats are proposing to pressure the Chamber to fire Stewart is proximately directed at any funding that it may receive from the city.
The resolution would require, “a freeze of all funding, including but not limited to, payment of professional services, support services, contract services, staffing, grants, bonding, sponsorships, and reimbursements, take place immediately until the termination or resignation of Timothy Stewart as President of the Greater New Britain Chamber of Commerce.”
The resolution was proposed by the Council President, Ald. Eva Magnuszewski (D-AL), the Majority Leader, Ald. Carlo Carlozzi, Jr. (D-5), Ald. Richard Reyes (D-AL). Ald. Emmanuel Sanchez (D-AL), Ald. Brian Keith Albert (D-2), Ald. Aram Ayalon (D-3), Ald. Katie Breslin (D-AL) Ald. Iris Sanchez (D-3) and Ald. Francisco Santiago (D-5).
The scandal involving Stewart’s recent comments have renewed calls for his resignation or removal from his influential position as President of the Chamber of Commerce that began in late 2017 when Stewart made a comment about the residents of the city’s North-Oak neighborhood that were widely condemned as racist.

Republican Mayor Erin Stewart told the New Britain Herald on Friday (February 8, 2019) that the city does not support the Chamber financially, repeating her claim that the City Hall under her and the Chamber under her father, Timothy Stewart, are separate.
But, as of 2017, on the Chamber of Commerce website, Timothy Stewart touted that, “We have a strong working relationship with the Mayor’s Office.” The Chamber website expanded upon that, saying that, “In conjunction with a strong working relationship with the Mayor’s office, the Greater New Britain Chamber of Commerce is able to accomplish various goals regarding the business community and our current and future Chamber members.”
The Chamber of Commerce has a close relationship with City Hall in New Britain. The elder Stewart became President of the Chamber shortly after the younger Stewart was elected mayor, and the Chair of the Board of Directors that employs Timothy Stewart, Gennaro Bizzarro, is, himself, employed by Erin Stewart as the city’s Corporation Counsel.
When Erin Stewart sought to distance herself from the Chamber of Commerce in 2017, as calls rose for Timothy Stewart to be removed as Chamber President, it was Bizzarro who announced that the elder Stewart would remain as Chamber President, despite the public outrage.
In order to determine what funding that the city may, directly or indirectly send to the Chamber of Commerce, the Council Democrats have also introduced a City Council petition to require the city to issue a report on any funds provided, “including but not limited to, payment of professional services, support services, contract services, staffing, grants, bonding, sponsorships, and reimbursements.”
A City Council petition is procedure in New Britain by which an individual member or more than one member of the Council is empowered to require consideration of action from or a report by a city department or commission. Council members frequently use this process to formally propose that the city take action on a particular concern.
The resolution and petition are on the agenda of the City Council meeting on February 13, 2019. The meeting will be in City Hall at 7:00pm with a public participation session.