Northend Elementary School Canvass Neighborhoods with Backpacks and School Supplies
By Brian K. Riley
New Britain Independent Board President
During the month of August, Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church’s Bureau of Supply Missionary Society and Children’s Ministry, led by Jill Riley, Linda Kelly and Cheryl Niccols organized and collected backpacks and school supplies, which were donated to Northend Elementary School. The collected donations were delivered to Northend on Wednesday, August 24, 2016.

Photo courtesy of
Brian K. Riley
Nicole Sanders, the School Principal of Northend and staff, planned and organized the canvassing of their neighborhoods, to deliver backpacks filled with school supplies and books to their students, which took place on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. Ms. Sanders, teachers, volunteers, myself along with Cheryl Niccols and Linda Kelly, we split up into groups. The teachers had lists of their students, we walked the neighborhoods surrounding Northend Elementary School, as the teachers personally delivered backpacks stuffed with school supplies and books to their students, this was an amazing experience.
Just seeing the faces of the students, parents and family members, as the teachers were showing how much they cared for their students, by showing up to their doorsteps personally and delivering supplies and materials, so they can start off the beginning of the new school year at Northend Elementary School, better prepared and with the knowledge of knowing their school cares for them.

Photo courtesy of
Brian K. Riley

Photo courtesy of
Brian K. Riley
In these two photos, while the backpacks were being prepared for the canvassing of the neighborhoods, three new students coming to Northend Elementary School this year, had early school spirit, as they interacted with a couple teachers, while their mothers were finding out the necessary info, for their first day at Northend. This was actually one of the highlights of the day. There seemed to be an instant bond taking place and two of the three students are new kindergarteners.
I will never forget my experience canvassing the neighborhoods with Northend Elementary School. This is a very caring and compassionate school with a tremendous amount of character and leadership.