Les is More
By Leslie Jacobs
Everything requires energy/motivation to do something you really don’t want to do. This includes losing weight, mastering yoga or getting organized. But everyone can do it, if they have the right plan.

Here is one plan.
Mark a month or more out on your calendar and then book online a pick-up from your favorite charity. I love Vietnam Veterans because they pick up. How delightful !
Make an appointment with Vietnam veterans. Now, you have four weeks to go through your closet, or bedroom or living room and donate what you don’t love. Get a bag, find a corner and start getting rid of these items. This list is from VVA. Org of what they take: Clothing of all types & sizes (men’s, ladies, children’s, baby’s) • Clothing accessories • Shoes (all kinds) • Baby items • House and glassware • Books, toys, bikes • Stereos, radios, portable TVs • All bedding, draperies, curtains • Kitchenware • Small furniture & rugs • Small appliances • Tools (all kinds) • Jewelry and cosmetics.
Now you have a list of what you can donate to vva.org and what maybe cluttering up your home.
Now, make an appointment with yourself. Give time to this process as It took years to amass this mess. It will take hours or even days to organize the clutter. But, you can and will do it, if you want bad enough.
With every item, ask yourself these three questions:
Do you love it? Have your worn it this year? Is it in good condition?
All three answers need to be YES to keep it.
If the answer is NO, toss it in the bag and move on to the next item. Keep this going for at least 20 minutes. When the bag is filled. Get a second bag and keep going. Now, take everything else you don’t love and fill as many bags/boxes you can. You can do this In the corner in any room where you want to get organized. Then put the box outside. Repeat. And Repeat until you are finished and the charity picks up your donation. Once it goes in the bag, you aren’t allowed to take it back.
If you need some guidance. Contact Leslie Jacobs through her website to ask questions or sign up for her organizing tips www.lesliefjacobs.com.