New Britain Progressive invites participation to strengthen local coverage
NEW BRITAIN – The New Britain Progressive’s Board of Directors will host a 2023 Kick Off meeting January 28th focusing on strengthening local journalism at the online, volunteer community newspaper now in its seventh year of publishing.
Residents are invited to the meeting on Saturday 1/28 to be held at 2 p.m. at the Diaspora Multicultural Society, 90 John Street.
Attendees will get an update on plans and opportunities for place-based coverage of politics, government and community life in 2023. The Progressive is seeking neighborhood correspondents and content contributors to expand local coverage.
“Citizen journalism and local news projects are growing in many communities and the Progressive is bringing an alternative way to stay informed and keep up with news and events in New Britain ,” according to The Progressive’s announcement about the kick off meeting.
Information will be available on opportunities to submit stories, commentary, photographs and videos of community interest. Applications will be available to become a member of an editorial advisory board to be formed in April. For more information email the Progressive at [email protected]
Contributions and sponsorships are welcome to support the Progressive’s local coverage at the Online Donation Link or via check to New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc., P.O. Box 394, New Britain, CT 06050. (Donations are not tax-deductible). For advertising information visit The New Britain Progressive is a publication of New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc.