By Leslie Jacobs
If living though the pandemic didn’t upend your life, and you’d like to get organized, here are 10 easy ways to start your decluttering.

Make a list of everything you need to do for the next day. Spend ten minutes before leaving your workspace and write down what needs to be done tomorrow and beyond. Make it a working list on your phone. I have a list of everything I need to buy including new garage doors. It’s been on my list for a few years, and will continue until I delete it.
Organize your bedside tables.
When you pick up the mail, go through it immediately and toss out anything you don’t need.
Clean out your fridge and freezer and do this as close to garbage day as possible.
When you return from grocery shopping organize your food as you put them away. Put like with like, as they do in the store. All soups in one container, including starters, dips and anything else soup related. Make sure you have a container with snacks in the pantry, as well as in the fridge. If you take the guess work out of what the kids can use or eat, it frees you from answering, “what’s there to eat?”
Put a laundry basket in the family bathroom for kids clothes. Put a bag in your closet for donations of clothing. Trying on an outfit and it doesn’t fit correctly? Fold in the bag, then resell or donate.
Organize the bed sheets for every member of the household. I have three sets. One on the bed, one stored In the linen closet, and one in the laundry. Every Wednesday I change the sheets. What day do you?
Delegate as much possible.
Do not buy any more organizing paraphernalia until you actually organize the space. Then, and only then will you be able to buy what you need. Not, what you think you need.
Organize your paper into as many categories as you need. Some have everything online, and some people need a hard copy. Label and store it. Mine is stored in a file cabinet. Yes, I still have one. And, I just cleaned out the warranty file.
Leslie Jacobs, a professional organizer would love your comments. You can reach her at [email protected].
Go to her blog and sign up for her organizing tips.