Dear Neighbors and Taxpayers,
After our State Legislator’s Toured Allen St., it looks like the present administration may be worried about the political fallout. We may be stealing their thunder. We don’t really care who gets the credit, stop the flooding now. We always made it clear to everybody, the Allen St. storm-sewer issue is not political. Flooding, contaminated water from compromised, undersized, outdated storm-sewer systems is a 3rd world problem. This should not be happening in New Britain. Factor in the storm-sanitary cross connection issues on Allen St. with the deteriorating clay mains and laterals, we have an urgent public health emergency that has been neglected and mismanaged for 30+ years, including 10 years under the present administration. The Allen St. Storm-Sewer System is at crisis levels.

As independents, we process the gotcha moments between the R’s and D’s as unnecessary political drama. Meanwhile, our neighborhoods continue to flood. Factor in the $4M transfer that was promised to us by the mayor for the Allen St. Project; which was approved and confirmed by the mayor weeks before an election and now it appears Resolution #36236 was never submitted to the Finance Director Perugini for review and next steps. It looks like more political theatre and/or unethical behavior just weeks before an election. 7 months later Perugini has clearly questioned the validity of the mayor’s actions.

Now more than ever, we will need $4M to fulfill the city’s obligations for any possible bonding options for the Allen St. Project. Our suggestion for the mayor is a simple one, Fund the Allen St. Project Now!
We have the design schedule from NBPW. Â Now we need the funding…City officials must step up to allocate the required funds for the Allen St. Project.

Thank you.
Frank and Sharon Chase

See our supporting documentation.