$4M Transfer Time Line Assigned To The Allen St. Project #2 Oak St. to Beacon St. – for City Council Meeting 5-22-24
To: All Past and Present City Officials and All Present Department Directors
All Long Suffering Flood Victims; Property Owners and Residents
This updated record is being shared regarding the status of our neighborhood’s storm-sewer system and Federal-State-City responses. Our concerns need to be given the highest priority. Our quality of life is suffering and our property values have declined by 15%. When the contaminated, flooding water recedes, we are forgotten by our city officials. Even though our critical neighborhood is not in a flood zone, the flooding continues…6x’s in 2023. The tropical rainy season for 2024 is now on our doorstep
The attached documents clearly show that the present mayor approved in September 2023, with an unanimous vote by the previous Common Council, Resolution #36236 transferring $4M from the General Fund to the Public Works Account for the Allen St. Project #2. The present mayor then confirmed, in October 2023, that this $4M transfer occurred from the General Fund to the Public Works Account with Resolution #36258-1. It now appears that this transfer never happened.
We have asked our alderman Majority Leader McNamara to determine the following for us: “What are the balances in the General Fund today, assigned vs. unassigned money?”. See attachment. We are demanding TRANSPARENCY!

By following the time line noted below, it appears that the $4M was not available for use as the present mayor planned just weeks before an election. As Finance Director Perugini noted, the proper protocols were not followed by the present mayor, therefore, this transfer could never have happened as this mayor had planned. We have asked our alderman Majority Leader McNamara to verify all of this for us. See attachment and the links from the NBP for more details.

We, constituents of Ward 4 deserve and demand ACCOUNTABILITY from our city officials. As concerned residents in Ward 4 and as victims of the flooding from the compromised storm-sewer system on Allen Street, we must know the TRUTH!
- 9-28-23: Stewart approved Resolution #36236 for the $4M transfer from the GF to PW for the Allen St. Project.
- 10-25-23: Perugini responded to Petition #36259 detailing the status of the funds in the GF:
- $6.6M assigned fund balance earmarked for tax stabilization funds and BOE non-operating funds.
- $15.2M unassigned fund balance for urgent situations. 5.74% of the GF Operating Budget.
- 10-27-23: Stewart confirmed with Resolution #36258-1 the $4M transfer from the GF to PW for the Allen St. Project.

- 4-10-24: Perugini responded to Petition #36453 detailing his perceived deficiencies with Resolution #36236.
As we have detailed for you over the past 8 months with our narratives and articles, the evidence and the facts are revealing: The present mayor has been disingenuous with the funding for the Allen St. Project. Over the years, millions of dollars have flowed to New Britain with no money allocated for the Allen St. Project.

Where is the money for our most pressing need? The present mayor has failed to obtain new funding and has allocated available funds for other higher profile projects; Bee Hive Bridge, Stanley Reception Pavilion, Public Works Operations Center, Downtown Luxury Housing, etc. while our neighborhoods continue to flood with contaminated water from our compromised storm-sewer systems.
Our skepticism is justified based on this mayor’s failed funding efforts. Now we are faced with this $4M transfer fiasco. Based on the facts as we understand them, “Have we been victimized again by our city officials because of this ill-fated $4M transfer?“. The opaque funding shell game continues in New Britain.

Our neighborhood and block, over 35 properties, resembles a third world country during these flooding events because of storm-sanitary cross connections, sanitary sewer back-ups and breaks due to insufficient capacity, deteriorating clay mains and laterals due to age, along with the resulting flooding due to storm-sewer failures.
Is the present mayor hoping all of this will be lost in the day to day political shuffle? Again, we are demanding TRANSPARENCY!
The cause is undeniable…The effects will be catastrophic if the flooding is allowed to continue. There are many storm-sewer challenges in New Britain, however, none greater then the Allen St. Problem-Project #2.
Thank you.
Frank and Sharon Chase