08 July, 2024

“Music and History of the 1970s” by CCSU Scholars for Life

CCSU Scholars for Life is hosting an event on, “Music and History of the 1970s”.

Scholars for Life says,

Music and History of the 1970s: During this session we will discuss major musicians, artists and musical trends of the 1970s. We will focus on how music of this decade was very different from music of the 1960s, and why. We will also talk about how the music of the decade reflected social and political changes of the time period. Yes, we will even be discussing disco.

The event on June 11, 2024 is be both in-person and virtual, with separate registration websites for the in-person event and the online event. The in-person event begins at 5:00pm and the virtual event is to begin at 6:00pm.

More information is available on the CCSU Scholars For Life website.


Tue, Jun 11 2024


5:00 pm


1615 Stanley Street

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