New Britain Democrats Donate To Dr. Alton F. Brooks Scholarship Fund
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New Britain Democrats Donate To Dr. Alton F. Brooks Scholarship Fund

The New Britain Democratic Party Chair Chris Anderson has announced that the New Britain Democrats have made a $250 donation to the Alton Brooks Scholarship, maintained at the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain, in honor of the revered community leader, Dr. Alton F. Brooks.

In a letter to David J. Obedzinski, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation, Anderson lauded Dr. Brooks, who passed away in June, as,

a lifelong Democrat and union member who was a fierce champion for equality and fair representation for the African American community in New Britain. Mr. Brooks was a local legend who was always ready, even in his senior years, to do the work necessary to make sure the needs of his community were met.

Anderson said that Dr. Brooks’

example is one worth admiring and emulating. All of us in New Britain, and especially New Britain Democrats, will miss his advocacy and impact. It is in honor of his legacy that we make this donation to the Alton Brooks Scholarship. Our hope is that it will be a hand up for a student who will go on to live by the example Mr. Brooks set for all of us.

At its recent July 18th meeting, the Democratic Town Committee recounted Dr. Brooks’ legacy. The Party said that, “Many members had known Mr. Brooks for many decades and were influenced by him throughout their childhood and young adult lives, crediting Mr. Brooks for their involvement in New Britain politics.”

Editor’s note: The cover photo is by local photographer and photo historian, Dr. Frank Gerratana.