A Call for Action on Drainage Improvements Amid Yet More Rain
To: All New Britain Alderpersons and City Officials
I will not be able to attend this evening’s city council meeting because I will be on flood watch mitigating any possible flood water damage with our pumps, quick dams, generators, etc.
It’s a formidable experience waiting-hoping-praying for the rain and the surging flood water to stop, while monitoring our pumps hoping none of them will malfunction or fail and hoping we will not lose power. If we do lose power, we will need to switch to our back-up generators. We have 13K watts of portable power on stand by should we need it. As we have noted, we are making every effort possible to mitigate our losses.
It’s difficult to portray 30 years of flooding facts and to describe all of the efforts we make to protect our property and structures in the allotted 3 minute public participation time frame. Our neglectful city officials have placed us in harm’s way. We have proven to you the cause of this ongoing flooding nightmare and we have proven to you the effects of this neglect, the resulting damage to our property and structures.
All of this is out of our control. We are the victims. Our property and our neighborhoods are not the same today as they were 30 years ago. As responsible property owners, we and our neighbors have made every effort to mitigate our losses as we have detailed for you. The obvious flooding consequences because of this proven neglect has forced us to hold our city officials accountable for this ongoing nightmare. The long flooding time line and now the increased flooding frequency has and continues to batter our properties and structures.
We will see you at the next city council meeting January 8, 2025. The state legislature will convene January 8, 2025. Governor Lamont and our legislators will have 5 months to orchestrate our state bonding initiative to fund the Allen St. Project #4166. We urge our elected officials to step up and get it done for the benefit of all of our flooding victims.
Thank you!
F&S Chase
***In case you missed it. Click on the link below. Lobby/Petition/Network/Promote the Allen St. Storm-Sewer Project Phase 2 to your neighbors, family, friends, associates, alderpersons, legislators, mayor, governor, etc. We need to fund and construct Project #4166 NOW!
Let them know we have been waiting and flooding for 30+ years. Now is the time…Enough is Enough!***
Thank you!
F&S Chase