Remote Work Rollbacks Highlight Need to Fight for a Shorter Workweek for All Workers and Families
Whether or not you work at a job that is possible to do remotely, acts increasingly being perpetrated by the greedy who own for a living to roll back the ability of workers who can work remotely to do so show in crystal clear terms that rich people think they own the rest of humanity. […]
Martin Luther King and the Economic and Social Bill of Rights
By Tim O’Brien Editor’s note: The following commentary is a republication of an article originally published personally by the author in 2014. This weekend, our nation, state and communities celebrate and remember the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments. It is a time when I have always felt inspired by his work, […]
Greeditarian Democrats Are At Fault for Trump Winning
By Tim O’Brien I think it was on the order of two decades ago that I predicted to Democratic Party leaders and activists that, if the Democratic Party did not start opposing free trade instead of embracing it, eventually, an ultranationalist Republican would rise up and win the presidency by doing so. Few in a […]
An Open Letter Honoring Dr. Alton Brooks
To the family of Dr. Alton F. Brooks, My deepest condolences to you in this sad time. As we come together to remember and honor the life of Dr. Alton F. Brooks, I know you know how much he meant to so many people – and I hope you feel the embrace of that love, […]
Community Mourns and Thanks Dr. Alton Brooks, Revered Community Leader
By Tim O’Brien, with contributing research by John McNamara and from an interview with Dr. Brooks by Rev. Brian Riley and photography by Dr. Frank Gerratana People across New Britain and beyond are in mourning because of the passing of Dr. Alton Brooks, the legendary leader, who did so much for so many, organizing, inspiring […]
Why Are Two Slates of Good Democrats Asking Me to Choose Between Them?
By Tim O’Brien On many levels, I am glad that former Mayor, Senator and state Commissioner Don DeFronzo, with support and editing by John McNamara, penned the important history of the 1989 mayoral election. Watershed, serialized in the New Britain Progressive and NB Politicus, tells the story of how a conservative but politically deft political […]
Martin Luther King and the Economic and Social Bill of Rights
By Tim O’Brien Editor’s note: The following commentary is a republication of an article originally published personally by the author in 2014. This weekend, our nation, state and communities celebrate and remember the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments. It is a time when I have always felt inspired by his work, […]
Opinion: Candyce Scott Would Bring Conscience and Work Ethic to Council
Dear Friends, While I do not live in Ward 3 — I live in Ward 1, where I will be voting for Richard Lacouriere and Nate Simpson — my street is a Ward line and Ward 3 is across the street from me. So I would offer to my neighbors how happy I am for […]
Opinion: By Electing John McNamara, Ward 4 Can Have a Truly Good Person Representing Them
Dear Friends, I feel very comfortable in saying that there are many people, across party and political divides, who would agree with me that Mr. John McNamara is decent and good-hearted human being. He genuine, caring, honorable and devoted. John has among the strongest of convictions of people I know, I yet I do not […]
No Labels?
The New Britain Progressive, a publication of the New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. is free to read and community supported. Please feel free to help the New Britain Progressive with a donation and you are invited to purchase advertisements in the New Britain Progressive. Click here to sign up for the e-mail edition of […]