Bysiewicz and Hayes Visit Plainville to Support Rebecca Martinez for State Representative
Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz (D) and Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (D-5) visited Plainville on Saturday for the State Representative campaign kickoff of Plainville Board of Education member Rebecca Martinez (D). Martinez, who has been Vice-Chair of the Plainville Board of Education, is running for election in the 22nd State Assembly district, taking on incumbent State Representative […]
CCAG Conducts Climate Change Survey In New Britain
Residents Share Views At Main Street Market On Renewable Energy Vs. Fossil Fuels Interns from Connecticut Citizen Action Group are taking in the views of Greater New Britain residents this summer on “how climate change and energy companies are impacting their lives.” CCAG is conducting on the street surveys asking “Are you concerned about climate […]
Dave DeFronzo Advocates for Expanded Mental Health Care for High School Students
Saying, “I believe every high school student, regardless of their income level, should have access to mental health services at their high school,” David DeFronzo, who is running for state representative in the open 26th Assembly District, is pressing for more funding for staffing and other resources for mental health services in high schools in […]
Gloria House Provides Respite for Those Needing Help with Challenges with Mental Health, Substance Use or Trauma
Pastor Dana Smith and Pastor Evelyn Smith of New Life II Ministries are working to get the word out about an important new program to help people facing challenges from mental health, substance use and/or trauma. The program is the first in the state, peer-run respite house, “Gloria House.” Its website says that, “The Gloria House […]
Aram Ayalon Announces Qualification for Clean Election Program
Former Democratic City Council leader, Ald. Aram Ayalon (D-3), who is running for State Representative in the 26th District, has announced that he has qualified for the state’s Citizen Election Program, known commonly as the “Clean Election Program”. “I value the financial support for state candidates,” said Ayalon, “because it minimizes influence by corporations and […]
Festival Celebrates Painting the Puerto Rican Flag at Criollisimo Restaurant
Brenda Torres, owner of Criollisimo Restaurant on Arch Street exclaimed that, “it is the turn of the Criollisimo Restaurant in the city of New Britain,” to host artist “Hector PR“, the creator of the “78 Villages and 1 Flag” artistic painting of the Puerto Rican Flag. “It took me a while to visit 78 towns […]
Hampton-Eton Storm-Sewer Sub-Basin vs. Allen St. Storm-Sewer Basin
Former Public Works Director Carilli PE wrote the following to my neighbor. He indicates city engineers verified all of this: Late 1996 “We are aware that the storm-sewer system in the Hampton-Eton area fails to handle certain rainfall intensity storms. However, the situation is one that is not limited to those particular streets alone, but […]
New Britain Democrats Donate To Dr. Alton F. Brooks Scholarship Fund
The New Britain Democratic Party Chair Chris Anderson has announced that the New Britain Democrats have made a $250 donation to the Alton Brooks Scholarship, maintained at the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain, in honor of the revered community leader, Dr. Alton F. Brooks. In a letter to David J. Obedzinski, President and Chief […]
Council Discusses Assumption of City Audit Oversight
At a meeting of its Committee on Administration, Finance, Law and Public Services, the New Britain City Council discussed plans for establishing Council oversight of the audit of the city’s finances. At the meeting on Monday, Council Majority Leader, Ald. John McNamara (D-4) pointed to state law assigns to the local legislative body, the City […]
DeFronzo Calls for State Action to Address Housing Crisis
David DeFronzo, who is running for state representative in the open 26th Assembly District, has announced a series of initiatives for, “the state to play a more direct role in the financing and oversight of affordable housing statewide.” DeFronzo called for urgent action by the state, saying, “We need to address this issue now.” “People […]