NAACP Freedom Academy Looking for Leaders of Tomorrow
News Brief The New Britain NAACP is looking for “Leaders of Today and Tomorrow” to participate in its “Freedom Academy” February 25th from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. The Freedom Academy is a training for people interested in considering candidacy for public office, elected or appointed. The training is sponsored by the NAACP New Britain Branch, The Black […]
Black Ministerial Alliance Hosts a Celebration of Black History February 26th
News Brief, The Black Ministerial Alliance of New Britain will celebrate Black History on Sunday, February 26th. The event, themed ” A Legacy of Strength, A Future of Hope”, will be celebrated by Guest Preacher, Rev. Jacqueline King, Pastor of Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church. The Celebration will be at 4:00pm at Bethesda Apostolic Church, 249 […]
Southern Style Breakfast at Bethesda Apostolic Church February 18th
News Brief Bethesda Apostolic Church is celebrating Black History with grits, fish, eggs, sausage, bacon, bisquick, coffee, juice at its Southern Style Breakfast on February 18th from 9:00am to 11:00am. The Church invites people to “Join us as we eat, drink and be merry for our spirits to stand through it all.” The Breakfast will be […]
Two More Showings of “Travesties” at the Hole in the Wall Theater
News Brief There will be two more chances to see the play, “Travesties” at the Hole in the Wall Theater. The two showings will be Friday February 17th and Saturday February 18th, both at 8:00pm. The play, by Tom Stoppard, is described by the Theater, “What do you get when you combine Oscar Wilde, Monty Python, […]
Applications now being accepted at DiLoreto School for Pre-K Through 8th Grade
News Brief Applications for students in Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade are now being accepted at DiLoreto Elementary & Middle School. DiLoreto is the only intra-district magnet school in New Britain. The school features the Spanish Language Development Program to students in grades 2-8, which helps build and enhance their Spanish language acquisition. Based on this […]
New Britain Fagan League Announces Winter Clinics and Spring Season Registration
News Brief “Spring is right around the corner and so is baseball!,” announces the New Britain Fagan Cal Ripken Baseball League. “Are you looking for a league where all of the games are played at one field (Martha Hart Park), where all of the coaches are certified, and where every child who registers is guaranteed to […]
New Britain Little League Registration Underway
News Brief Registration for this year’s New Britain Little League season is underway. Two additional registration sessions will be held on Wednesday, February 15th and March 1st. Registration will be held on both days from 6pm to 8pm at New Britain High School. Fees are $65 for Tball, Tball Softball and Coach Pitch, $95 for Minors, […]
Men’s Day Weekend @ “The Spott”, February 17th to 19th
News Brief The Men’s Ministry of Spottswood AME Zion Church has announced a Men’s Day Weekend @ “The Spott”. The weekend will start with a “Men’s Ministry Explosive Praise Night on Friday, February 17th, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, featuring various men’s groups singing. On Saturday, February 18th, from 9am to 12:30pm, there will be a […]
2017 Little Poland Festival Set for April 30th
News Brief The date of the 2017 Little Poland Festival has been announced. Broad Street business leader Adrian Baron said on Facebook, “Last year over 20,000 people enjoyed New Britain’s Little Poland Festival. This is a free admission family friendly event that features, live music, folk dancers, carnival rides, costumed mascots, shopping, art and more.” “This […]
New Britain Youth Theater to Hold Romeo and Juliet Auditions
News Brief Flower power, doves and hawks, draft card burning, miniskirts, high society and counter-culture, and the Summer of Love will be the background for an upcoming production of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet by the Teen Company of New Britain Youth Theater. The company will hold auditions for Romeo and Juliet on Monday, February […]