Dave DeFronzo Announces Qualifying for Citizen Election Program
Former City Council member Dave DeFronzo (D-AL) has announced that he has enough qualifying contributions to participate in the state’s Citizen Election Program, sometimes called the “clean election program,” in his run for the 26th District State Representative seat. “This program epitomizes a clean election process,” DeFronzo explained. “It bans dark money and emphasizes grassroots […]
New Britain Council Democrats Criticize Stewart Veto of Public Reports on Land Deals
Mayor Stewart, in Veto Message, Calls Use of Word “Transparency” Political, While Belittling Council Democrats Council Democrats are strongly criticizing the veto by New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart (R) of city legislation to provide for public reports to the City Council on final land deals, calling the mayor’s act, “a striking blow against the principles […]
Allen St. Project #2 Oak St. to Beacon St: Flooding Updates City Council Meetings 4-23 and 4-24-24.
To: All Past and Present City Officials and All Department Directors All Long Suffering Flood Victims; Property Owners and Residents This updated record is being shared regarding the status of our neighborhood’s storm-sewer system and Federal-State-City responses. Our concerns need to be given the highest priority. Our quality of life is suffering and our property […]
Happy Passover From the New Britain Progressive
Chag Pesach Sameach from the New Britain Progressive and best wishes for a joyous Passover to Jewish families in New Britain and everywhere.
Resolution Allocating $4 Million for Flood Control Deemed Deficient by Finance Department
New Britain city Finance Director Jonathan Perugini appears to imply that he did not implement a $4 million budget transfer approved by the City Council for Allen Street flood control project, saying that the resolution to approve it had, “deficiencies.” The Council unanimously approved $4 million last September for improvements to address flooding experienced by residents of […]
New Britain Democrats Call for Cease Fire in Israel and Palestine, Release of Hostages and Humanitarian Relief
The New Britain Democratic Town Committee has approved a resolution calling for, “an immediate and permanent ceasefire and end to the hostilities,” in, “the armed violence in Israel and Palestine,” that, “has claimed the lives of innocent civilians with tens of thousands of lives lost.” In the unanimously approved resolution, Democrats affirmed, “solidarity with our […]
Council Members Call for Control of Traffic Speeds After Child Injured in Hit and Run
New Britain City Council President Pro-Tempore, Ald. Francisco Santiago (D-5) and Ald. Candyce Scott (D-3) say they are, “deeply saddened and outraged,” about, “the recent hit-and-run incident that occurred on Monday at the intersection of Broad Street and High Street, resulting in the injury of a minor.” Ald. Santiago said that, “Quality of life for […]
Council Holds Hearing on HUD Funds Allocations
The New Britain City Council held a hearing ahead of decisions it will make on the allocation of funds from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The federal grants support an array of human services and community development programs in the city and are also used by the city government. Representatives of […]
HRA of New Britain Celebrating 60th Anniversary
The Human Resources Agency of New Britain has announced that, in celebration of its 60th anniversary, it is, “embarking on a year-long campaign to celebrate the achievements and local impact made since its founding in 1964.” Dr. Marlo Greponne, Executive Director of HRA says that, “This milestone is a reflection of our collective resolve to […]
Democrats Seek Transparency On Contracts And Tax Agreements
Common Council Budget Review Begins For the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year This report is the second in a series to keep the community informed about Council business and to encourage public participation in city government from the perspective of the Democratic Majority Caucus. The details of municipal purchasing, tax and and leasing agreements will be reported […]