New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to [email protected].
New Britain Election Postscript: “If Trump wins will I have to leave the country?”
By John McNamara “If Trump wins will I have to leave the country?” The question was asked of me by a Holmes School student when I was leaving the Masjid Al Taqwa mosque on Arch Street on a Sunday evening in August. It didn’t matter that the 5th grader has probably lived in New Britain […]
New Britain Independent Rededicated as the New Britain Progressive
Editorial Message The New Britain Independent has been renamed the New Britain Progressive, as New Britain’s not-for-profit community newspaper organization has decided to redouble its efforts at achieving its core mission – to tell the truth that is so often left out of or falsely reported in the for-profit newspapers and to share news and information […]
Senator Terry Gerratana Eliminates Car Taxes
By Robert Berriault As a resident of New Britain, I encourage New Britain families to show their support for State Senator Terry Gerratana, who has fought to cut taxes for hardworking families in New Britain. Recently, Terry lessened our tax burden by phasing out property tax on motor vehicles. The new law will save Connecticut […]
Alderman Questions Stewart on Well Sale in Light of Water Supply Alert
By Emmanuel (Manny) Sanchez In both a press release and an NBC interview roughly two weeks ago, Mayor Erin Stewart stated we are in a “first water alert”. But all facts and statistics show that we’ve been in one since May. I was also informed that the City was at 39.72% capacity when that press release […]
Stewart Conservation Commissioner Accused of Abuse of Power
By Robert Berriault Mayor Stewart’s Conservation Commissioner Ken Hass had threatened members of the community by threatening to expose private information that the city possesses on them, including their allegedly nonpublic criminal and civil records, in an attempt to embarrass them publicly, in retaliation for publicly stating their opposition to the Tilcon deal. At 9:21 […]
New Britain’s Nastiest Politician Costs Taxpayers $9,500
By Tim O’Brien Columnist During a failed attempt at running for state representative, one of Ald. Lou Salvio’s own election flyers misspelled his name as “Salvo”. For a man who has repeatedly shown himself to be the nastiest politician in New Britain, the moniker “Salvo” has stuck – and for all the wrong reasons. Salvio’s […]
Esty Holds Forum with Gerratana on Defending Democracy
By Tim O’Brien Columnist Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-5) held a forum, with State Senator Terry Gerratana (D-6) on August 31st in the New Britain Public Library to highlight the growing threats to our democracy from big money politics and voter suppression. “Too many Americans feel as though their voices simply aren’t being heard in our democracy,” […]
The Dedicated Leadership of the North-Oak NRZ
By Tim O’BrienColumnist The North-Oak neighborhood is home to a lot of good, generous, sincere people – people who work together for the good of everyone. The neighborhood has been blessed for years by the leadership of the North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) and the core dedicated community activists who volunteer their time in it. […]
Referendum Question 3 Obscures Charter Change On Granting Pay Raises To Elected Officials, Accelerated Water Bill Payments
By John McNamara Contributing Columnist The Common Council’s Republican Caucus Leader, Daniel Salerno, likes to preach to citizens who speak at public participation that they ought to stay, not leave after speaking on an issue, to watch the councilors “make the sausage” on selling city assets cheap, adopting a new policy or making budget decisions. […]
Northend Elementary School Canvass Neighborhoods with Backpacks and School Supplies
By Brian K. Riley New Britain Independent Board President During the month of August, Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church’s Bureau of Supply Missionary Society and Children’s Ministry, led by Jill Riley, Linda Kelly and Cheryl Niccols organized and collected backpacks and school supplies, which were donated to Northend Elementary School. The collected donations were delivered to […]