New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to [email protected].
Larger Action Needed on Housing and Homelessness
It is always welcome news when housing is made available for those who can least afford it. The recent news about new housing opportunities going up on North Street is certainly movement in the right direction, and the people of good conscience who labor to help others deserve credit for their work. But, it is […]
Registrars Moves To Re-Locate Two Polling Places For Primary, November Election
By John McNamara Contributing Columnist New Britain’s Registrars of Voters are moving to change polling places in Districts 6 and 13 in time for an August 8th Primary and the November 8th Presidential Election. Republican Peter Gostin and Democrat Juan Verdu have identified Angelico’s Cafe restaurant on East Main Street to replace the State Armory […]
The Truth about Hoarding: A Real Dilema
By Leslie Jacobs Columnist The first time I ever was in a hoarders house was in the early 80s. I had become friends with a group of people at work and I dropped off one of them at home—she invited me in to let me go to the bathroom. As I walked into the […]
Connecticut Cabaret Theatre Features Several New Britain Residents
By Robert Held Staff Writer The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre is located in Berlin, right next door to New Britain. Several of the shows preformed at the Cabaret Theatre feature actors or crew from New Britain. The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre is currently in its 19th season. Currently playing every Friday and Saturday night until June 25th, […]
Receiving without Guilt
By Leslie Jacobs Staff Writer On TV, Sheldon from The Big Bang theory said to Penny during the Christmas episode “Receiving gifts are obligations. I know you think you are being generous, but the foundation of gift giving is reciprocity. You haven’t given me a gift. You’ve given me an obligation.” An obligation meaning […]
Les Is More: How To Deal With Unwanted Paper
By Leslie Jacobs Columnist One person piles it up, another tosses it in a drawer, and a third person sticks in a bag. What is the point of this? There are many ways to organize paper but none of the above are the correct way. Motivation, passion whatever you call […]
Spring is that you? Nine Ways to Kick Start Your Spring Cleaning.
By Leslie Jacobs Columnist Growing up in New Britain, I knew when Dairy Queen opened for the season, spring was upon us. This year, when Dairy Queen opened in early March it was my signal to call Vietnam veterans (800-775-8387) and schedule an appointment for their donations pick up. It’s one of my […]