New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to [email protected].
Les Is More: How To Deal With Unwanted Paper
By Leslie Jacobs Columnist One person piles it up, another tosses it in a drawer, and a third person sticks in a bag. What is the point of this? There are many ways to organize paper but none of the above are the correct way. Motivation, passion whatever you call […]
Spring is that you? Nine Ways to Kick Start Your Spring Cleaning.
 By Leslie Jacobs Columnist  Growing up in New Britain, I knew when Dairy Queen opened for the season, spring was upon us.  This year, when Dairy Queen opened in early March it was my signal to call Vietnam veterans (800-775-8387) and schedule an appointment for their donations pick up. It’s one of my […]