New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to [email protected].
Legislators Get ‘Rennied’ for Bill On Mandatory Voting
Universal Voting Will Get A Hearing At General Assembly’s GAE Committee by John McNamara Courant Columnist Kevin Rennie has skewered the co-sponsors of a bill that would “institute mandatory voting” to “incentivise civic engagement” not once but twice this month. Raising Rennie’s ire is legislation that would require voters to cast a ballot or provide […]
Martin Luther King and the Economic and Social Bill of Rights
This weekend, our nation, state and communities celebrate and remember the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments.
Les is More: It’s The New Year – New Organizational Structure
Les is MoreBy Leslie Jacobs Everything requires energy/motivation to do something you really don’t want to do. This includes losing weight, mastering yoga or getting organized. But everyone can do it, if they have the right plan. Here is one plan. Mark a month or more out on your calendar and then book online a […]
DeFronzo on City Charter Referendum: “No Thank You”
A modest estimate for a COO, office staff required to carry out his/her functions, equipment, travel cost and associated expenditures will easily exceed half a million dollars annually.Voters should know that.
Berlin Legislator Goes Low With “Pro Criminal Democrats” Rhetoric
By John McNamara BERLIN – State Rep. Donna Veach (R-30), a first-term Republican state representative representing Berlin and Southington, is calling Democrats “pro-criminal” on a campaign billboard. Rep. Veach, however, received a rebuke from constituents at a candidate forum held at the Berlin Senior Center last week when she again attacked Democrats and, by implication, […]
Indy Party nominee for governor runs on elimination of business property and car taxes
Third Party Candidates Don’t Succeed But Their “Solid Ideas” May Eventually Win The Day By Mike McGarry Most third parties have their day in the sun, but then the sun sets. We remember old friend, the late Oz Griebel, for his upstart Griebel-Frank Party in 2018 that is now part of the Forward Party that […]
State League of Women Voters: Setting the Record Straight on Debates
It wasn’t that long ago, that … candidates eagerly awaited being invited to a League of Women Voters of Connecticut debate.
Why Trump’s Party Rallies In New Britain
Mayor Stewart’s former campaign HQ is one of 20 “RNC Community Centers” in the nation where “Stop The Steal” workshops are occurring By John McNamara Ronna McDaniel, the national Republican Party’s Chairperson and Donald Trump sycophant, made her way to New Britain this week to blast not one Democrat but all Democrats as favoring “greed, communism, and […]
Green Party Governor Candidate: Ballot Access Should Be Expanded
By Michelle Louise Bicking Equitable ballot access has long been a thorn in Connecticut’s side for decades. Despite the facade of deep blue progressive politicking and people-centered campaigns, Connecticut has the third most stringent ballot access laws anywhere in the country. “Stringent” is defined here as the least amount of time to petition for ballot […]
Does New Britain need a chief operating officer and a full time mayor?
Misleading Referendum Proposes High Level Patronage Job To Manage Municipal Government by John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – Creating a new chief operating officer to manage the municipality and making town clerk and tax collector jobs appointed instead of elected offices are big and very different questions for a referendum vote in November.Voters, however, won’t have […]