New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to [email protected].
Fighting For The Public Option: Putting Health Access Over Profiteering
By Bill Shortell. Since I wrote “Debunking CBIA’s Takedown of the Public Option” there have been two more attacks by the business community
Fighting For The Public Option: Putting Health Access Over Profiteering
By Bill Shortell. Since I wrote “Debunking CBIA’s Takedown of the Public Option” there have been two more attacks by the business community
School Building Committee Resolution Curtails Checks and Balances On Construction Projects
“A consequence of the new SBC resolution is that it contributes to a bigger divide between City Hall and the BOE. New Britain’s close to last ranking in how much the municipal government contributes to public schools is a perennial and contentious issue at budget time every year and this year is no exception.” By […]
New Britain Common Council Vacancy: An Opportunity For Bipartisan Cooperation
The alderman-at-large vacancy caused by the election of Emmanuel Sanchez to the 24th District House seat is an opportunity for some all too …
New Britain Republican Moves Appear to Echo Trump
Editorial. While New Britain Republicans avoid their own party label, recent state and local actions by Republicans appear to reflect Donald Trump.
Voter Suppression in New Britain?
By Tim O’Brien. When I was an elected official, I tried to stand up against cases of injustice. The way I looked at it, is that if I had
Republican Candidate For 26th District Stirred Social Media Controversy in 2015
“Racially Divisive” Posts Sunk Ceglarz’ Council Candidacy In The ’15 Municipal. By John McNamara. The New Britain Republican Town Committee’s (NBRTC)…
Under the Cover of COVID: Four Democratic Councillors Excluded From July Meeting
Mayor Pulls Plug On Remote Access For Common Council Members… Four Democratic City Councillors, expecting teleconference access because of the state-…
Lack of Mayoral Leadership in New Britain During the Pandemic
By Alderman Aram Ayalon. Unfortunately, in New Britain, mayor Erin Stewart failed to provide the leadership needed to combat the pandemic.
Davis Calls for Columbus Statue Removal
I am writing in support for the removal of New Britain’s Christopher Columbus statue and for action to be taken for the name changing of Columbus Boulevard.