New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to [email protected].
Dr. Lampkin Calls for City Ban on Vaping
By Peggy Lampkin. I am writing to request a ban in our fair city of New Britain of all e-cigarettes and vaping, like so many other mayors across the …
Baron Defends Reid Cancellation
As President of the Polonia Business Association, I have been asked to respond to the recent controversy surrounding the cancelled talk of a self described historian in New Britain.
Heartbroken About NRZ
People who know me well as a person, know my values and have worked alongside me know why I would be so heartbroken right now.
North-Oak NRZ President Responds to Letter Calling for Resignation
Please refer to the city ordinance regarding the chapter of the North-Oak NRZ also see the Connecticut state statute of the Office Policy Management (OPM)
North-Oak Board Members Call on President to Resign
Letter by Marie Bachand, Vicky Ramos and Manny Sandoval, To the members of the North Oak Community, We the members of the North Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone would like to make a statement at this time. It is with a sad heart and much displeasure that we bring information that has been detrimental to the […]
Bizzarro Faces Heat for Ad and Chamber Leadership
Democratic Chair Bill Shortell criticizes Republican Senate candidate Gennaro Bizzarro for a campaign ad and calls on him to dismiss Tim Stewart.
The Tale of Two Monuments
by Ald. Aram Ayalon On Saturday, April 28 I attended the ceremony unveiling a monument in New Britain for the Borinqueneers – the Puerto Rican Infantry Regiment of the US Army. The audience was dressed up for the occasion holding Puerto Rican flags, veterans in full uniforms, and a festive environment full of pride. It […]
North Oak NRZ: Moving the Neighborhood Forward
by Antonio C. Lavoy, Sr. Contributing Columnist The North Oak NRZ‘s newly-elected officers are moving the city of New Britain and Ward 3 forward. President Marie Bachand, along with Vice President-Pablo Rodriguez, Secretary Yvette Ghannam, Public Safety Chair Edgar Lopez, Economic Development Chair Lawrence Sanchez, Human Resources Chair Vicky Ramos, Housing Chair Manuel Sandovar, Jessica Hernandez from […]
Martin Luther King: Remembering April 4, 1968
by John McNamara Contributing Columnist I remember exactly where I was on April 4, 1968. That sunny and warm Thursday, like many others in my senior year in high school, I drove to Bradlee’s Department store on the Lynnway in Lynn, Massachusetts after school to punch in for the evening shift, earning some money before entering […]
Season’s Greeting from the New Britain Progressive
On a day that began as a snowy Christmas, the New Britain Progressive wishes everyone season’s greetings and hopes everyone is having a peaceful day.