31 March, 2025

Free Show at CCSU Planetarium Explores What Makes a Planet a Planet

What makes a planet a planet?

The CCSU Planetarium says,

A planet is round. A planet goes around the Sun. It’s not a star. It’s not a moon. It’s not an object like Pluto. What characteristics make a celestial object a planet?

“Join us to learn more at the first free public planetarium show of the new year!,” the Planetarium says.

The Planetarium invites people to find out on January 5, 2023 at 7:00pm. “After the show, if skies are clear, join us in observing the real night sky through our telescopes.”

The Planetarium says that,

Doors to the planetarium will open 30 minutes before the advertised show time. Plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before the show begins as the presentation starts promptly and there is no late admittance. No food or drinks are allowed in the planetarium, including water, candy, and gum. For more information, call (860) 832-2950.


Fri, Jan 05 2024


7:00 pm

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CCSU Copernicus Hall
1615 Stanley Street
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