City Council Majority Leader McNamara Announces Ward 4 Constituent Meeting
City Council Majority Leader, Ald. John McNamara (D-4), has announced a meeting for residents of Ward 4, to be hosted together with Ald. Neil Connors (D-4).
McNamara said that, “Meeting regularly in the ward is a good way to get feedback from citizens on issues that city government can address.” McNamara held his first constituent meeting in February, and said that the meeting is an opportunity for residents for Ward 4 to meet with their two Democratic Council members.
“The meeting is open to all city residents,” said.
Topics to be discussed, McNamara says, include,
An update on 2024-2025 municipal budget now under consideration will be provided. Other topics will include the 2024 street paving program, stormwater infrastructure and the FLUSH program, Batterson Park and traffic calming measures to curb speeding.

McNamara noted that,
Ward 4 encompasses the neighborhoods near Central Connecticut State University and Stanley Quarter Park, extending to Farmington Avenue and out to Brittany Farms and Batterson Park. The ward includes the Saint Francis (12), Holmes School (13) and Pulaski School (14) voting districts.
The meeting is to be Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 10:00am CCSU’s Marcus White Hall, on the 2nd floor, in the Marcus White Living Room, 2nd Floor.