28 March, 2025

First Church Hosting July Concert Series

First Church of Christ Congregational is hosting its 2024 July Concert Series.

The Church says that its concerts are to include a concert in the Church at 6:30pm, followed by a carillon performance at 7:00pm.

July 2
6:30, BACH to B-A-C-H. J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in E flat major and Reger Fantasy on B-A-C-H
Eugenia Sullivan, organist
7:00 Amy Heebner, carillonist, Albany, NY

July 9
6:30, Christmas in July La Nativite du Seigneur by Olivier Messiaen, Eugenia Sullivan, organist
7:00 Mathilde Duriez, carillonist, Paris, France

July 16
6:30, Nancy Andersen and Friends, voice Concert of Broadway and Opera favorites
7:00 Margaret Angelini, carillonist, Wellesley College

July 23
6:30, Larry Gareau Jazz trumpet duo
7:00 John Widmann, carillonist, Frederick, Maryland

*July 30
7:00 George Matthew, carillonist, Middlebury College

*The CLOSING CONCERT on July 30 is preceded by a POT-LUCK PICNIC at 6:00 p.m.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, and beverages are provided.
Please bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. ALL ARE WELCOME!

“Bring a lawn chair or a blanket, a picnic, and your friends for a delightful evening of music in the church and on the lawn,” the Church says. “Concerts are free and open to the public. Complimentary ice cream & bottled water will be provided. Covered seating will be provided in the event of rain.”


Tue, Jul 30 2024


6:30 pm


First Church of Christ Congregational
830 Corbin Avenue


First Church of Christ Congregational
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