03 July, 2024

League of Women Voters to Hold Annual Meeting

The New Britain Area League of Women Voters has announced its 51st Annual Meeting.

“Whether you’re a member already or just wondering what the New Britain LWV does,” the League says. “Join us for pizza with a group of people who want to make a difference!”

The event is Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 6:00pm at Paradise Restaurant.

“You’re invited!” the League says. “Pizza and Soda will be served!”

“What does the LWV do?” the organization says. “We register voters, provide accurate voting information, explore local and state issues, support legislation and make a difference!”

“Interested?” the organization asks. “Come to our meeting and find out more of what we’ve been doing and what we plan on for next year!”


Wed, Jun 19 2024


6:00 pm

More Info

More Information


Paradise Restaurant
10 East Street

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