18 September, 2024

“Rewilding Your Lawn” at the New Britain Public Library

The New Britain Public Library is hosting an activity, “Reclaiming the Green : From Monoculture Lawn to Thriving Wildlife Habitat”, saying,

Join regenerative landscape designer Will Hooper for a discussion of how to take sanitized, high-maintenance lawnscapes and transform them into low-maintenance, ecologically diverse landscapes of flowers, pollinators, and native wildlife. Even a few square feet can be an oasis for songbirds or a feeding spot for butterflies. This class will give an overview of both underlying principles and particular techniques for such a change, as well as Q&A and example designs.

The event is Thursday, September 12, 2034, 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Library Periodical Room.


Thu, Sep 12 2024


5:30 pm

More Info



New Britain Public Library
20 High Street

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