17 March, 2025

New Britain Roots Hosting Annual “Garden Crawl”

New Britain ROOTS is hosting annual Garden Crawl event. “Tour our beloved school gardens,” says the organization, “and learn more about our work in the community.”

The event is September 29, 2024, starting at 11:00am at the Senior Center, located at 55 Pearl.

“Participants will have the opportunity to see and experience the work that we do first hand,” say event organizers. “Whether you are new to gardening or an experienced green thumb, there’s something for everyone. Refreshments will be provided along the route.”

New Britain ROOTS has a website for registration, saying, “Ticket purchases cover transport to and from the gardens, a tasty lunch, and snacks. Music and an auction will follow.”


Sun, Sep 29 2024


11:00 am

More Info



Senior Center
55 Pearl Street

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