25 March, 2025
2 mins read

Democrats Advocate for Infrastructure and Neighborhood Improvements as City Standing Bonding Subcommittee Recommends Park Borrowing With Board of Finance Votes

The City Bonding Subcommittee approved recommending for $6,300,000 in borrowing for parks projects, with members of the Republican-controlled Board of Finance and Taxation tipping the balance in favor. Democrats on the committee had moved to table the proposal, calling for city bonding to include funding for flood control and other neighborhood priorities, but were outvoted […]

3 mins read

Council Adjourns Meeting Without Approving Stewart $115 Million Borrowing Plan

Without approving Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s controversial proposal to borrow $115 million to push city debt into the future, the City Council adjourned the third special meeting that Stewart had called for the Council to approve her plan. The motion to adjourn the January 25, 2018 special meeting was made as the Council began consideration […]

16 mins read

Top 10 of 2017: #3 – Budget Woes Grow With Debt, a Downgrade and Frozen Education Support

Many important stories have been covered by the New Britain Progressive in 2017. It may be difficult to name only a few articles as the top stories of the year, but there are a few the New Britain Progressive would like to share as our Top Ten.  Other Top Ten stories can be found at […]

1 min read

Council Leader Calls Special Meeting for Presentation From City’s New Borrowing Consultant

The City Council’s newly elected President Pro-Tempore Eva Magnuszewski (D-AL) has called a special meeting of the Council to hear a presentation by the city’s borrowing consultant, Mesirow Financial. The meeting will be held on Monday, December 11, 2017. The city warrant calling for the special meeting does not state the purpose of the purpose of […]

2 mins read

Numbers Don’t Back Mayor Stewart’s Claim That State Budget Caused City’s Negative Credit Rating

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist Mayor Erin Stewart has blamed this year’s state budget crisis for the city’s negative credit rating in response to a November 2nd report of an “escalating” debt and her administration’s own budget that shows interest payments will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars over the next four years. “We were downgraded […]

3 mins read

New Britain’s Bond Rating Drops From Stable To Negative: Huge Spike In Debt Through 2021 Cited By Moody’s

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist Republican incumbent Mayor Erin Stewart, in her re-election campaign this year and throughout her second term, has touted improving municipal bond ratings for New Britain’s fiscal solvency, claiming credit for budget surpluses of $15 million and pushing spending up at City Hall with no need for an election year tax […]

1 min read

Council Considers Allowing City Borrowing Services Contract to Change Firms With Former Stewart Chief of Staff

The Republican-dominated City Council is set to consider a resolution that would authorize Republican Mayor Erin E. Stewart to sign a contract moving city borrowing services from one firm employing her former Chief of Staff to the firm to which he has recently moved. The Council resolution says that, “William Blair and Company, the City’s Public […]

6 mins read

City Hall Watch: Deferring Municipal Debt Payment Means Cash Now, Higher Interest Next Year

By John McNamara The Stewart administration is shifting $6 million from a scheduled payment on the city’s rising municipal debt— creating an election year windfall to avert yet another tax increase. The Common Council approved what representatives of William Blair & Company, the city’s bond counsel, called a “re-structuring” of a $28 million bond at […]

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