Water, Park and School Bonding Proposed; Council Committee Special Meeting Called
The City Council’s Standing Bonding Subcommittee will hold a special meeting this week. On the agenda are three proposals for city capital projects. One proposal is for $145,000,000 in bonding for a major renovation project at Smith Elementary School, a $9,800,000 project at Pulaski School and $2,700,000 at Slade School. The $145,000,000 for the Smith […]
Republicans Vote Down Increased School Funding
The City Council’s Republican majority voted down Council Democrats’ proposal to increase the city funding for New Britain’s schools.
Family Forum Planned on Schools Budget
The Consolidated School District of New Britain is focusing its February, “Family/Community Forum,” on the school system budget for the upcoming budget year.
Committee Reviewing Salary of Mayor, Other Officials
A Council committee is following a process required in city ordinances to consider possible increases in the salaries of the mayor and other city officials.
Council Set to Approve Proposal To Bring Back Local Residency Requirement for Department Heads
The City Council is set to vote on final approval of a proposal that would bring back the requirement that city department heads be residents of New Britain. The proposed ordinance (local law), which was introduced by the Council Majority Leader, Ald. Carlo Carlozzi, Jr. (D-5), and Ald. Aram Ayalon (D-3), would reinstate the requirement that city […]
Stewart Vetoes Hiring Freeze Resolution
Republican Mayor Erin Stewart has vetoed a resolution approved by the City Council to institute a hiring freeze all city positions except for public safety and temporary seasonal parks and recreation positions. The resolution had been introduced by all nine Council Democrats and all five Council Council Republicans in attendance voted against the hiring freeze. With the […]
Possible $11 Million Long-Term Deficit Apparently in Stewart’s Budget Proposal
Republican Mayor Erin Stewart proposed budget appears to cover a possible $11 million long-term deficit with non-recurring budget items that may leave a sizable shortfall in future years’ city budgets. Stewart’s budget proposal has already been criticized for increasing property taxes, despite her claim of “no tax increase”, as well as for freezing the city’s annual […]
Council Approves Hiring Freeze, With Republicans Opposing
The City Council has approved a hiring freeze on all city positions except for public safety and temporary seasonal parks and recreation positions. All five Council Republicans in attendance voted against the hiring freeze. The resolution was approved, with nine votes in favor and five in opposition. With the exception of police, fire, emergency dispatch […]
Stewart Proposes “Huge Tax Increase” Despite Claiming “No Tax Increase”
Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s budget includes what is being called a “huge tax increase,” despite her own claims that her budget is a “no tax increase” budget. Stewart’s press release on her budget proposal says that she, “presented to the Common Council a $237.72 million budget for 2018-19 that calls for no tax increase and […]
Proposal Made to Slow Down and Decentralize Decisions on City Borrowing
After what many are calling Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s heavy-handed attempts to pressure City Council Democrats into a quick approval of her plan to borrow $115 million to push city debt into the future, a proposal has been introduced to slow down and decentralize decisions on city borrowing. Democratic Ald. Aram Ayalon (D-3) has introduced a […]