City Charter
Legislation Calls For Clear Language On Charter Referenda
GAE Committee Favors ‘Precise’ Wording On Ballot Questions The Legislature’s Government Administration and Elections Committee (GAE) has acted favorably on a bill that will “establish certain minimum requirements for presenting charter or home rule ordinance amendment ballot questions to voters.’” House Bill 7125, introduced by State Representative Gary Turco (D-27) and supported by New Britain’s […]
DeFronzo on City Charter Referendum: “No Thank You”
A modest estimate for a COO, office staff required to carry out his/her functions, equipment, travel cost and associated expenditures will easily exceed half a million dollars annually.Voters should know that.
Taking Sides On Charter Change In New Britain
Yes Committee To Hold Tuesday (10/18) Session To Promote Referenda by John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The Yes on Charter Revision Referendum Committee will hold an “educational session” on October 18th featuring members of the charter commission to promote passage of amendments that have far-reaching implications as to how city government will be governed. Tuesday’s […]
COO Patronage Job, End To Elections Of Clerk and Tax Collector Are On The Nov. 8 Ballot
Fuzzy Charter Question Will Keep Many Voters in the Dark by John McNamara New Britain voters will be deciding much more than who should be the Governor and making their picks for other elective offices on November 8th. City charter revisions will, if approved, make the biggest changes in a generation as to how Connecticut’s […]