25 March, 2025
6 mins read

City Will Match State Bonding With $4.2 Million For Allen Street Flooding

Council To Review Recommendations On Late Audit Reports July 22 An infrastructure improvement plan to address longstanding stormwater and sewer main problems in the neighborhood between Allen Street and Roxbury Road near CCSU is taking shape in a cooperative effort by state legislators and the Stewart Administration. In recent months Common Council-approved engineering work has […]

4 mins read

Probate Judge Contest Is A Rematch Of 2021 Special Election: Republican Carrier vs. Democrat Rivera

By John McNamara Attorney and former Common Council Leader William Rivera won the Democratic Party’s endorsement for Judge of Probate last week setting up a rematch of last year’s special election won by Attorney Michael Carrier. Convention delegates from Berlin and New Britain nominated Rivera without opposition. In accepting the endorsement Rivera acknowledged Carrier, who […]

2 mins read

Hayes Wins NB and Nomination, Stewart Loses Despite NB Votes

Waterbury educator Jahana Hayes won more votes from New Britain Democrats than former Simsbury First Selectman Mary Glassman, helping Hayes in her victory in the August 14, 2018 primary for the Democratic nomination for the Fifth Congressional District. Meanwhile Republican Mayor Erin Stewart was defeated in her campaign to be the Republican nominee for Lieutenant […]

3 mins read

Candidates and Polling Places for August 14, 2018 Primaries

On Tuesday, August 14th, Democratic and Republican voters will go to polls to choose their parties’ nominees for numerous offices up for election in 2018. Democrats will be able to choose between businessman Ned Lamont and Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim to be the Democratic nominee for Governor. Democrats will be able to choose separately in […]

2 mins read

Fifth Congressional District Democratic Primary Comes to New Britain

The Fifth Congressional District House seat is up for grabs in November and the Democratic Primary has come to New Britain. While the platforms of the two Democrats running in the Democratic primary on August 13 2018 are very similar, maybe the delineating factors are race and experience holding elected office. Mary Glassman opened her campaign […]

5 mins read

New Britain’s Congressional Delegate Votes Front-And-Center at Democrats’ Hearing

The State Democratic Party held a hearing by a five member panel appointed to consider challenges to the outcome of the Democratic Fifth District Congressional Convention. The proceedings were in response to official complaints at the request of the NAACP and by the Mayor of Waterbury. The convention had resulted in Democratic party endorsement for former […]

1 min read

Gubernatorial Candidate Ganim to Hold “Meet and Greet” in New Britain

New Britain supporters of Joe Ganim’s candidacy for governor have announced that the Bridgeport Mayor will have a “Meet and Greet” event in New Britain. “Come out tomorrow and find out why people are supporting JOE, why he has raised more money than other candidates, why did the people reelected him to the City of Bridgeport, and […]

3 mins read

New Britain Democrats Thank State Treasurer Denise Nappier for Her Service

As State Treasurer Denise Nappier has announced that she will not seek re-election in the 2018 state elections, New Britain Democratic Party offered her thanks for her years of service, and her close relationship with people in New Britain. Nappier, a Democrat, recently announced that the conclusion of her current term will end her service […]

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