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26 March, 2025
1 min read

Democrat Rebecca Martinez Announces Win for State Representative in 22nd District

Democrat Rebecca Martinez has announced that she has won the 22nd State Assembly District over incumbent Republican Rep Francis Cooley (R-22). “We did it!!!” Martinez announced to supporters online today. “Thank you Plainville, Southington and Farmington for putting your trust in me. I cannot wait to get to work representing our communities in Hartford!” The […]

2 mins read

Democrats Win Big in New Britain in 2024 Elections

Democrats won by large margins in New Britain in the 2024 elections, as part of wins for Democrats in the major elections in Connecticut, according to unofficial vote totals published by the Secretary of the State. Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D) and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz (D), received more votes than Republicans Donald […]

1 min read

New Britain Voters Support Expanded Absentee Voting

By an unofficial 9,454 to 6,148 New Britain voters have supported a state Constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to expand absentee balloting for voters in the state. Under interpretations of the state Constitution, voters have historicially only been able to vote by absentee ballot if they had certain limited “excuses”, such as illness or […]

2 mins read

New Britain Voter Registration Appears Down Compared to Close 5th CD Election in 2022; Democrats Lower And Republicans Higher

Recent New Britain voter registration figures may show troubling signs for Democrats and opportunity for Republicans in the closely contested Fifth Congressional District race between incumbent Democratic Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (D-5) and Republican challenger George Logan. It appears that there could be nearly 2,000 fewer registered voters in New Britain than in 2022. Voter registration […]

2 mins read

Democrats Invite Candidates To Run For City Offices

Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – The Democratic Town Committee (NBDTC) is seeking candidates for all municipal offices for the November 7th election. This year New Britain voters will elect candidates for Mayor, Treasurer, Common Council (15), Board of Education (3), Board of Assessment Appeal (2) and Constable (4). “New Britain Democrats believe that local government […]

5 mins read

Campaign cash soared in ’21 municipal election but voter turnout declined

By John McNamara “Money is the mother’s milk of politics” goes the observation first coined in the 1960s that applies to almost every state and federal election cycle as all kinds of committees and special interests raise billions in reported and anonymous donations. That old saying about money in politics applies less frequently to local elections where […]